
Librecast is comprised of a number of sub-projects:

librecast core IPv6 multicast library
lcrq RaptorQ (RFC6330) FEC library
lcsync Multicast File syncing Tool
lcroute Librecast IPv6 Multicast Router
lctunnel Librecast Multicast Tunnel Daemon
lcauth Librecast Authentication over Multicast from the web browser
lsd Librestack Daemon (LSD)
lsd-multicast Librecast Modular Multicast Daemon
iotupd Multicast IoT Update Client and Server
lccat Librecast IPv6 Multicast Testing Tool
Librecast LIVE! Multicast Live Streaming Platform (in development)

You can find all of our published code on Codeberg and SourceHut.


Thanks to vagrantc some of our repos are also available in Debian, GUIX and Debian derivatives.

Librecast, lcrq and lcsync are also available in NixOS thanks to the team at Summer of Nix.

librecast Packaging status
lcrq Packaging status
lcsync Packaging status

Bugs, Questions, Pull Requests

Found a bug? Great! Please file a bug report in the relevant repository issue tracker and we'll take a look.


We publish all of our code under a license which meets the Debian Free Software Guidelines (usually GPL2 and GPL3, but check the repository and code headers for details).